Back at Little Bird Farm, after the euphoric week of Abby. How amazing was that? VERY! She had her 2-week appointment with her pediatrician today; she has gained 5 ounces! I leaned this in the 10 minute, post-pedi appointment Skype convo I had with Abby and her Daddy. This is great news! That must be a 5 ounce double chin she is now sporting - CUTE!
On another note, I planted fingerling potatoes today. They are from John Scheepers, and look really healthy; lots of eyes! Also, I planted heirloom iris and daylillies from Old House Gardens. Old House Gardens must be the friendliest folks in the plant and garden market! They included a hand-written note and some gladiolas to give a friend! That is about the coolest thing I have ever received via mail order - a little something to give a friend. Very much in the spirit of the heirloom gardener! It made me smile, when I opened the package, that's for sure!
As is usual in New Mexico in the spring, the wind is blowing. I just wear a hat, and try to ignore it. The good thing about the wind is, it carries away the leaves when I rake them free of the hedges. I can't believe there are still leaves, in that we have raked, and raked and raked. But the hundred year old Rio Grande cottonwood trees adjacent to our acre have been dropping leaves that have gone un-raked for about a decade. Why is it that we always buy houses in which nobody has raked leaves recently? This is three for us! (And our last!)
I will begin constructing chicken wire row covers this weekend, and then plant spring seeds. I am so eager to learn how our soil is. In May, we will construct out garden fence, which will be more effective than the row covers. Chicken wire will have to do for now. Once again...dirt under my nails! And I'll just have to wait a little while to see little Abby in person again.