Sunday, January 30, 2011

We've just harvested these - the last carrots of the 2010 Garden....

....and they are so delicious! Sweetened by the winter cold! We can hardly wait to plant a new spring crop, so we can enjoy more "perfect carrots"! :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2011 Garden: New & Improved!

2011 Garden Beginnings:

Our grend-nephews, Miles & Gavin, are extremely helpful in the garden!
Boys + Dirt = Happiness!
Thank you, Am & Aaron, Miles & Gavin for helping us get our compost and straw all spread out! It was GREAT fun!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's clear and it's COLD!

At 6:30 am, when we first stick our noses out the door today, the weather is clear and cold and old man moon is shining brightly! Just beginning to wane, but still appearing full to the naked eye, that old moon shining in the west is a wonder to see!

Today is Mom's birthday and I will spend the day with her! We''ll go out for a nice lunch, visit over tea, and enjoy a beautiful time together. How I love living back in New Mexico, near precious family! Not all of our precious ones are nearby, of course. We just have to enjoy those folks when we can!! Not often enough!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Yes! It is the year of the Rabbit!

I suspect that our garden will be only too aware that it IS the year of The Rabbit!

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