Holy smoke! (Literal smoke, actually, due to some intense forest fires in the state, but that's not really what I meant when I "said" that.) We find ourselves deep into June and the gardens. Just trying to keep the weeds at bay, keep all the baby plantings watered, and striving to get the new herb garden on some firm footing. Commander did some nice re-working of old fence panels, cutting them down to size and getting the front portion in place. Now, we need the other three sides. That will require more time than he has for the next week or two - other stuff going on and such. All good stuff. I haven't taken many pictures lately - but I've taken a few. So I will post them here, and try to take some pictures over the next few days.
We celebrated the 4th Anniversary of the day we closed on Little Bird Farm! We laughed about how we had our closing in the office of our Oakland realtor, a world away from NM! And we nicely polished off a bottle of Gruet Demi Sec as we reminisced.

We have had three crazy roadrunners hanging around lately. This fellow was very interested in the garden. Probably looking for a lizard for lunch! We also have oodles of toads, but I don't think the roadrunners prefer toads. I know they will eat them in a pinch, but surely the lizards are more delicious. (Debbi - this picture is for you.)

Fred has really learned how to make himself comfortable. One day he decided this would be his spot....and so it is. He is a character!