Each day brings new blossoms. They are so pretty and we love to see them! However, we worry about what is ahead for them; light frost or heavy freeze? Last year, all of our fruit trees bloomed, and the blossoms and new fruit were destroyed by freezes. How we would love to have fruit this year! The apricot is in full glory. The wild plum and cherries are thinking hard about opening up. Even the Japanese cherry trees (sakura) are ready to flower. Yesterday I noticed a peony sending up its spring debut leaves. There's not much one can do about it, except to enjoy the fleeting pleasure of each new splash of color! I'm happy to say that snow peas and sweet peas are in the ground! There are still some cool mornings - when a pup like Fred needs a sweater. And notice too, please, that Sophie is sporting a new sweater! By now, she has arrived at Piper's house, after getting a few repairs....and her new sweater. I am sure she missed you while she was here with us, Piper, and is happy to be home. :)
Oh, and happy Girl's Day! It is Hina Matsuri in Japan! WE LOVE OUR GIRLS!!