Saturday, July 26, 2008

Final Day at Work

It is such a big deal, I can't neglect to write about it, at least briefly.  After working closely with the same 14 people 4 days a week for 2 years and 4 months, the leaving can't be entirely easy, even when one is super eager to get OUT of there!  And so it was - not easy.  The send-off party was precious, with lovely sentiments, sweet gifts and cards, and comments from my boss that brought tears to my eyes.  She truly is a gem.  And we had pizza - the best kind from Zachary's Pizza! Nearly everyone took a moment to tell me how happy they are for me, that I can move back to my home of origin and enjoy time again with my family.  Seems people really appreciate that - FAMILY.  I realize how very blessed I am to have family; not everyone does.  And folks I worked with seem to think my family is lucky to have me.  Isn't that nice?  Not one person begrudged me the leaving.  

I recognize that each person I have worked with the past 2 years plus, has changed me some.  And I think maybe I have changed them too.  It feels pretty good.  I know I will meet up with just a few of them for coffee or lunch now & then when I come back to this area.  It will be sweet.

It is a tradition where I have worked, to hold an annual Rubber Duck Derby as a fund-raising event.  I have posted a picture of the little guys I collected in my time here.  They kept me company at my desk, and will join us at Little Bird Farm!  Also in this picture is a great green hat, given to me by one of my sweet coworkers.  She has me pegged, what, with the green and the notion of sun protection while gardening!  

1 comment:

burkbum said...

Having been there in several different situations myself, I can restate with confidence, your very sentiment. Yes, it is weird. On to bigger and brighter things!

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