There is nothing quite like the sound of a hot air balloon rising, particularly when it is doing so right outside your bedroom window as you wake in the morning! It rousts you right out of bed - eager to join in the colorful morning celebration! At least that was my reaction upon hearing the unique sound this morning. I grabbed my camera, a cup of coffee, and hurried outdoors, to take it in. I had to wipe off the front porch furniture because we had yet another big storm last evening - a big beautiful rain and electrical storm such as I have seen only in New Mexico. It was fabulous! And we have enjoyed such storms nearly every night this week. What a treat.
This Saturday morning, I will forego the Farmer's Market down the road, in favor of lollying around home - with hot air balloons, newly finished red-oak floors, and a slowly dwindling supply of moving boxes that need to be unpacked. And a huge and growing pile of broken-down moving boxes and packing paper, which I really must learn where and how I can get recycled and OUT of here! It really IS......a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
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