Houseguests with big NEWS, the 1st annual LBF Labor Day Wine Fest in the Orchard, and Papa's birthday party! Late August, early September has been busy and FUN. Hurricanes Gustav and Ike have kept The Commander away from Little Bird Farm, but the activity in his absence has been robust, to say the least. Most notable: Come April there will be a new grandbaby in our life! Our first! BIG news indeed! We are thrilled! Thank you, Nate & Sara. Won't it be such a JOY? Springtime is a perfect time for a new baby.
Also of note: Our family, friends, and neighbors (our new friends) joined us in the orchard for a Labor Day grill-out and wine festival. It was low-key, being the "first annual", but we will get better at this. Seems to me if we wait until Little Bird Farm is actually party-ready, we will miss out on a lot of fun, meanwhile. So, the partying continued...with Papa's 78th birthday bash; a sit-down dinner on the front porch. We set up two long banquet tables, seating for 16 of us. Papa's requested menu: Steaks on the grill (we still use charcoal and a Weber), baked potatoes with all the trimmings, salad (Aunt Connie brought an Asian salad), and deviled eggs (Granny and Aunt Margie made these for us). Gary and Mel brought two fabulous French wines from their cellar, which were perfect with the beef tenderloins. Sara and I made Papa a Lemon Cake with Lemon Buttercream frosting and sugared lemon curls. We served it with Granny's homemade vanilla ice cream and an Imperial Kir that Nate provided - excellent!
Maybe the partying is over for awhile. The houseguests are gone, the dust is settling from all the fun, and now the work of taming the acre continues. It was good to have the break from the overwhelming work of moving in, unpacking and fixing-up. But Little Bird Farm is ready for more parties any time! Say the word! I think a party will be in order with the return of The Commander! A "welcome home" soire, for example! Soon?