We have spent the past several days laying out our garden. This includes an attempt to give "bones" to a space that, for many, many years, has served as a riding circle for horses. That is to say, the ground is hard-packed by horse hooves, and riddled with weed seeds from their leavings! It is a veritable challenge. Our first efforts have been geared toward development of a pleasing layout for the beds and paths, and the creation of a pergola under which the gardener may retreat from a harsh NM sun. The small vertical vigas are now in place, and we have only (only!!) to bolt and lash the horizontals to these 4" vigas, and then lay the smaller latillas on top. We will plant grapes as soon as we can locate the varieties that will thrive in the alkaline NM soil - and we will hope these vines and fruit will create shade!
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