Sunday, May 1, 2011

And now, "Itty Bitty Bird" is 1 year old!

So and gifts! And a coconut tart too - very, very sweet!

We just laugh and laugh with our sweet little marigold blossom, Piper!

These curls in the back are simply precious!

1 comment:

Sharon Lovejoy said...

Ok, I'll try again. Tried twice yesterday afternoon to leave you a message, but kept getting an "error" posting.

Your "Itty Bitty Bird" is the most adorable. Being with her must be heaven-on-earth.

Yes, this is a time of much labour in our gardens, but they repay us a thousand fold.

All joys to you Little Bird,

Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

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