Wednesday, October 12, 2011

By the light of the FULL moon

Last night we were laying down insulation by the light of that big, glorious full moon. It was spectacular, easing gracefully over that beautiful mountain, lending light for our work! A few days ago, we had mentioned to our neighbor, Frank, that we would be doing this. And who came walking up our driveway at 6pm, just as Commander got home from work and we began contemplating the project? Frank. With cutters, gloves, and eye protection in hand. It took the three of us about an hour to get all the spaces on the new "old roof" filled with fluffy R-30 insulation. Tomorrow, if all goes as planned, the roofers will deck over our insulation and on Friday we should get a real roof! Hip Hip.....hooray! Running water and a roof in one week. (fingers crossed).

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