Friday, December 16, 2011

We begin to WRAP it up. And THANK YOU!

When we began this kitchen addition/redo, I vowed to NOT become consumed by the whole thing - to continue to pursue and engage in "normal" activity and communication. But that sort of went out the window as the reality and scope of the project came at us from many directions! I managed to keep up with simple graces, like birthday cards and thank you notes - occasional phone calls and Skype visits. I spent a few hours putting the garden to bed. For the most part, computer time comprised shopping for plumbing fixtures, lighting, utterly unglamourous "parts" for said plumbing or lighting. Any shopping, short of the near daily "De-pott" or "Lowies" runs for lumber, paint, "parts", was to the Co-op or Smitty's for milk, yogurt, grapefruit juice or TP.

As we begin to see the light at the end of this crazy tunnel, please accept - first - my apology for being, after all, SO consumed! For the occasional (or frequent?) whining or complaining or otherwise "carrying on" about project minutia or hurdles. You always asked how things are going. And I hope you don't much mind that we always told you! Second - please accept my gratitude! For being such amazing, supportive, loving, patient family & friends! You brought us food, you had us over for meals, you let us shower and do our dishes at your houses, you helped us with big heavy work that Commander and I could never have done by ourselves! You brought expertise to the project - above & beyond any hopes we held! You gave us the names and phone numbers of just the right people to do our jobs - so MANY people and so many jobs! You showed up to help when we didn't even know we needed help - but we DID!

And now, here we are in our last weeks of the project; nearly ready to move into our very pleasing, unique new space. Hard to believe! We are so eager to share this special new place with each one of you! That is what it is all about - the sweet times that we will all share here.

They say it takes a village to raise a child. Likewise, it takes a village to raise a roof! THIS roof for sure! A village full of loving, devoted, talented and skilled individuals - family, friends, near & far, wildly willing people - each contributing in a very personal way - to support and help create something wonderful!

Please come soon! Sit at the table with us. Relax by the fire. Stand at the kitchen sink window and laugh with us at the silly yearlings as they play, at the lone coyote who passes by quietly, at the lanky cranes feeding in the field.

THANK YOU, everyone! YOU know who you are! Thank you! THANK YOU!

PS Our "Occupancy" (FINAL) inspection is early next week. In the nick of time for CHRISTMAS! I will post recent pictures just as soon as I have the opportunity!

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