Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bags under our eyes.....but lots of laughing!

Fred's training is going pretty well. He is so silly! Yesterday he scampered out of the kitchen, I followed, and there he was - up on his hind legs, front paws up on the floor length mirror in our room - studying that "other puppy" in the mirror. He turned and looked at me as if to show me his new friend!! He hasn't had any "accidents" in 2 days, mostly because we take him out doors every 2-3 hours, day and night. He likes his crate quite well; it's warm and soft in there, and he easily settles back in at night after our outdoor business. He LOVES laps! In fact, as I type he is snuggled up on my lap....snoring. His playtimes are wild frenzies of craziness; then he often falls suddenly asleep. Such a puppy!

We think he is over-the-moon about being the Little Bird Farm Pup! We are! All's well. (Except my moccasin slipper shoelaces, which he has all but fault!!)

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