Time to "pull a hustle out of our pocket and get moving"! That was a favorite saying of my old friend, Leslie! And, boy...it really is time! Our spring was cold and windy, cold and windy. Now it is suddenly warm and the ground is begging to be planted. The Snap peas are up and the sweet peas too. Still, we have had no rain. DRY as an old bone! While the wind blew, I had such FUN, sewing
Very Special Bunnies for our precious Grandgirls! The bunny pattern was beautifully designed by Alicia Paulsen. Every tiny step of the way, I was immersed in thought about how special our girls are and how much we love them, Abby & Piper! With each stitch I whispered a prayer for these precious girls! The bunnies are made of lovely thick wool felt; I stuffed them with locally procured (from our neighbor who raises sheep!), raw wool, which I washed 12 times over two days and dried in the sun. Their peasant dresses are of Liberty of London Lawn fabric. Oh! How I would love a dress made of this! Their shawls are knitted of soft wool. And their lace-up boots are made of wool felt. Mostly though, they are made of LOVE! Through and through. Captain and I grew awfully fond of these bunnies as they sat atop our dining room table! But the best part came when our little girls received them, and so quickly gave them sweet names and big hugs! I was amazed that Piper Gaye immediately christened her bunny "Sophie" and Abby pronounced her bunny "Pickles"! Kids are so amazing! I also had a blast sewing up two spring dresses, one especially for each of our girls. I always worry that the dresses I make will not fit properly - but by some miracle, these did! Please don't think that Little Ben was left out. We got Ben the sweetest little Steiff bunny for his first Easter. And he seemed perfectly happy!

1 comment:
Love your blog, Gaye Marie.
-cousin Bill
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