7:45 am and Fred and I are just in from the garden. What a garden helper he is!! I am pretty sure he snatched my prettiest striped Roma tomato from the harvest bowl and buried it. He loves treasures! It is already feeling like a rather warm summer day, even this early. It feels so to me anyway, especially after a cooler one yesterday. I am laughing because our sweet granddaughter informed me of the following: "Gigi - your garden is
not orderly. It should be
orderly." Now I am wondering, which grown-up she heard this from! This is not the sentiment of a child! And I am truly laughing so hard!! I do think children appreciate serendipitous things, and that is what the Little Bird Farm garden is! (And sort of messy, in an indearing way.) If a fluffy pink zinnia wants to grow in the middle of the pathway, I let it. If a rogue tomatillo puts down a root in the green beans, "ces't la vie", I say. I will admit, I have a serious problem with sunflowers. We even yanked 90% of the wild-child sunnies as they appeared; but by now, the 10% remaining do flourish. Oh! But the finches love them so! And I do too. I must say, that if we have a longing for most anything, we can find it out there....somewhere...probably frolicking with an uninvited friend! (Hey! How did that calendula get in the zinnias? Guess it will go into our dinner salad. Now, where did I see that beautiful rogue coriander? Oh, yes - in the basil bed.) Normally, when I walk into the garden, I feel my whole body immediately relax into the flow of nature thriving; but this morning, I broke out laughing! And laughed all the while, as I picked beans, okra, tomatoes, and big bunches of zinnias and basil! Orderly? Nope. Beautiful and bountiful? Oh, YES!

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