It doesn't rain, but it pours! And pours and POURS!
This brave whopper of a spider lives in our garden. She has had to rebuild her web many times lately; repair, repair, repair! I love the zipper she creates! She is an artist! The Heavenly Blues is a favorite of mine. It reminds me of Japan. The roses love this cooler weather, especially when it is damp, as it is this week. Their show has been unsurpassed! And, no, we have not put in our pool yet. What you see here is just our little spot of newly planted grass in front of the patio. It was under water, in spite of the hidden drains Tim-san buried a foot under the surface. This has been a LOT of rain! A few hours have now passed and the water has all soaked in. Tiny green sprouts of fine grass are now peeking up - a sweet, encouraging haze of green.
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