I guess I have been in denial. Since Tuesday, the weatherman and Tim have been saying it may freeze tonight, and I was hoping they would soon say otherwise! But, no. It is true. Except it has gone from "It may", to "It is going to...". So, given this blast of reality, I have spent the better part of the day preparing. Cutting as many flowers as I can, spraying soapy water on the houseplants that have spent the summer outdoors, then bringing them inside, cutting huge bunches of herbs, and picking the last of the pumpkins, squash, melons, and okra. I left one huge Cinderella pumpkin on the vine to turn - hoping it won't freeze hard! (The apple and pear in the picture are the
only ones we had this year!) I think the carrots, beets and chard will be all right. I also had the distinct pleasure of harvesting Abby's ornamental corn! It is very cute! Good job Abby! The wind is beginning to blow a chilly breeze. I am so sorry that the summer garden is nearly finished. We will cover some things, like the new baby lettuce, but much will be....done. Why, oh, why does this always come as a shock? It happens every year. But this year I am not ready to say goodbye. I will now go out to the pole barn and get some nice piƱon logs for our fireplaces. Our heater is not yet prepared for the blast of cold! Bundle up everyone! The cold
is coming! TONIGHT!
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