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Ten wild & wonderful days! There's nothing like a great Roadtrip! We had a terrific time, saw our precious kids and grands, some awesome friends, and traveled through 14 states! Fred was teased by the Gulf Coast shore in Port St Joe, Florida - an event we didn't record in pictures since we were so in-the-moment! It was pretty entertaining! Here are some pictures, however, of our dear littles (Abby & Ben) in Ft Worth, some romantic sites in Savannah, fun, energetic time with our dear Piper in Durham NC, The Mast General Store in Valle Cruces, NC (mandolin and guitar music on the old front porch), and finally…home (sweet home!). And a very pooped pup upon our return to Little Bird Farm. And this morning??? SNOW! Just a little. THANK YOU, kids and friends, for taking good care of us and having fun with us everywhere we went!!! As Thanksgiving approaches (and always!), we are so very thankful for each of you!! PS I apologize that the pictures are kind of..mixed up. As in, out of order! I don't have the patience today to take the time to remove and reload! (How did they get out of order anyway??? I'm pretty sure I know; it was me, messing around to "fix" things, and it didn't quite work out. Oops!)
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