It is mighty colorful right now at little Bird Farm! This is the moment when the gardener feels almost in control of things - a fleeting moment for sure! It will last about two days. We had a crazy storm yesterday, wind, thunder & lightening, rain and then hail - 1/2" sized balls of ice. Very unusual. A real boon to all of our growing things...and to the new crop of weeds that will be appearing any day now. Chick weed and bind weed, I expect, now that the mustard is done. Oh, and ragweed. And tumbleweeds. My dad tells me you can pick a young tumbleweed, steam it up, and eat it - "They are delicious!", he tells me. We will spend the Memorial Day weekend moving 6 tons of gravel into place here and there. It always feels (hurts) so good to get a new area of "the farm" cleaned up with plantings and gravel. Happy Memorial Day! Fly those American flags. And remember.