Sweet Christmas Time....and now 2015!!! Happy New Year!
There was tamale making, luminaria folding, filling and lighting, gingerbread house decorating, LOTS of story reading (Corgieville Christmas....best Christmas book everrr!), carol singing, and....Santa! Wow! What a marvelous Christmas we have had! We were delighted to have Nate's crew here, and missed having Josh's crew (a lot); loved that Gran and Papa could be with us for most of Christmas, but so sorry they couldn't be in on the Christmas Day doings (Papa had bronchitis and a bad cold). There was also the Urgent Care visit on Dec 23rd when Abby had a horrible ear infection...but that resolved quickly. And now......it is New Year's Day! 2015! We have a glorious dusting of snow and will head out shortly for a New Year's Day walk. Then, off to Gran and Papa's for some good luck posole. Happy New Year everyone!! From Little Bird Farm! May it be a GREAT year for you!