It has been my experience that the month of January can not be trusted. It is the most fickle of months. On the heals of the loveliest spring-like day, a bitterly cold grey day may follow. And on a day like today, the beauty is all wrapped up in drama! A cold-cold breeze and a glorious icing of white and blue on the mountain! The grey bones of the newly-pruned orchard standing austerely against the backdrop of clouds & mountain. It is hard to take my eyes away from the sight - the clouds changing every second; a crow, a string of noisy geese, a flurry of small songbirds when they startle. I could stand at this window and look the whole day long.
I love the winter months because I can pile on as many layers as I want and not be hot, and because I *love* grey skies and don't have to wear sunglasses. :)
As a gardener I feel a little bit frustrated by the winter months (excluding December, of course - I love Christmas!!). But because our garden was so huge and exhausting last summer, I am really enjoying winter this year! I am with you on the grey skies - love 'em!
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