Saturday, July 26, 2008

Final Day at Work

It is such a big deal, I can't neglect to write about it, at least briefly.  After working closely with the same 14 people 4 days a week for 2 years and 4 months, the leaving can't be entirely easy, even when one is super eager to get OUT of there!  And so it was - not easy.  The send-off party was precious, with lovely sentiments, sweet gifts and cards, and comments from my boss that brought tears to my eyes.  She truly is a gem.  And we had pizza - the best kind from Zachary's Pizza! Nearly everyone took a moment to tell me how happy they are for me, that I can move back to my home of origin and enjoy time again with my family.  Seems people really appreciate that - FAMILY.  I realize how very blessed I am to have family; not everyone does.  And folks I worked with seem to think my family is lucky to have me.  Isn't that nice?  Not one person begrudged me the leaving.  

I recognize that each person I have worked with the past 2 years plus, has changed me some.  And I think maybe I have changed them too.  It feels pretty good.  I know I will meet up with just a few of them for coffee or lunch now & then when I come back to this area.  It will be sweet.

It is a tradition where I have worked, to hold an annual Rubber Duck Derby as a fund-raising event.  I have posted a picture of the little guys I collected in my time here.  They kept me company at my desk, and will join us at Little Bird Farm!  Also in this picture is a great green hat, given to me by one of my sweet coworkers.  She has me pegged, what, with the green and the notion of sun protection while gardening!  

Road Ready!

Packed for the road....that's what we did today.  Our friendly Volvo is packed to the gills with stuff!  We can't figure out exactly why we kept so many items here in California, rather than sending them on with the enormous moving van.  What were we thinking??  Or were we?  But here we are - with the darnedest things, shoved into every nook & cranny of the wagon.  Yay, for wagons!  The Commander saved just enough space to ease in the lemon tree, the herb pot, and our two bonsai the morning we head out.  The enourmous Cereus will just have to stay in California for awhile, I'm afraid.  No room!  I may bring one slip along, and plant it when we get to Little Bird Farm.  Seems the thing to do.  

We have one more important thing to do here before we leave.  Sunday night, we will be sitting in the lawn at the Greek Theater in Berkeley, watching and listening to Sweet Baby James - James Taylor.  Nice way to bid Oakland farewell, for now.  His music has accompanied many of our sweetest life events; it is fitting that he sing us out of town tomorrow.  

One more thing: just a quick photo of the very BIG day that we closed on our California house, and knew we could actually move forward and onward, to Little Bird Farm.  Cheers!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Saying "goodbye" to our Bungalow

Today we "closed the deal" on the sale of the little 1914 Arts & Crafts bungalow that we have called home for 3 years.  It has been grand!  A real privilege to live there, watching fireworks over the San Francisco Bay, brilliant sunsets over Mt. Tamalpais, and morning prisms on the living room walls, cast by the sun rays shining through the stained glass windows.   We aren't sad.  We are moving forward in our plan to live and love at Little Bird Farm, and to spend time also at Jack London Square in our little apartment, a moments walk away from the water - marinas, restaurants, Barnes and Noble, and a farmer's market!  This will be a whole new take on good living!  We are so excited about this!

After eating dinner at our apartment as we watched the fog move in over the Oakland Hills, we walked out of our building and crossed the railroad tracks.  Within two minutes, we were on a waterside path, looking over the waterway between Jack London Square and the Island of Alameda.  I knew our apartment was near the water, but I didn't realize it was so near!  We walked, breathed in the beautiful bay air, marveled at the pretty flowers - agapanthas, statice, fuchsia, and so many bold, glorious northern California blooms!  Then we caught a whiff of gourmet restaurants - Il Pescatore, Kincaids, Scotts - we are so close to these great restaurants!  
We are so happy to have this home away from home - more of a 2nd home, really.  Our hearts are in Little Bird Farm, and when we can't be there, we will feel grateful and happy to be here!  It is all good!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Many days after.....

It is now many, many days after our sensational launch party.  OK, not that many days; only 16 days, to be specific.  It was a doozy of a fest, and we thank all of you who were a part of it, near or far, in body or in spirit!  We don't have connectivity at Little Bird Farm yet, nor do we have the joy of living there full time.  Not yet.  Two days after the launch party, the "sensational launch party", referenced above, the Commander and I had to pack up our bags, and return to our "real life" as we know it, in Oakland.  At least for a little while.  The memories of the fun, family, friends, good wishes from afar (such as an hysterical Monk E Mail from Tommy & Debbi in North Carolina), and the photo coverage (thank you, Natey-Mo!), bring it all back to the front of our brains, as I now (finally) write!  (Sorry it has taken me so long, Joshua!)

Yes, we are back in Oakland.  A world away!  I have several more weeks of bonafide work to wrap up before I can full time it at Little Bird.  And the Commander will come and go as he can between the two home fronts, at least for a year or so.  But meanwhile, we have sold our house in Oakland, in spite of "the present market", as the media is so fond of saying (thank you, media), selected and arranged for an apartment from which to attend our Oakland presence, and have placed all of our worldly goods (here, anyway) in the dining room until the apartment move.  They fill the dining room, but ONLY the dining room.  This does not include our plants, of course.

But more about the Launch!  It was grand!  It began, as most terrific things do, with wonderful people.  About 28 of them, large and small (as in, young and old).  Amber provided Chinese lanterns, Marta, Heather, and Trader Joe's provided flowers, Gary & Mel, and the Commander provided champagne (Gruet), Nate (Mister Surprise!) and we threw together some spicy Paella and various sides, everyone brought something special!  We played horse shoes, grilled up some chicken skewers, toasted to now and later, and to blessings.  We ate carrot cake (gigi's specialty) and homemade ice cream, whipped up by sisters, Carolyn (Gran) & Connie!  Excellent!  As it got dark, Gary & Mel put bamboo sticks on the Moroccan lanterns they had brought, and we took a lantern walk along the ditch path- the walking path that runs beside the Blessed Mother ditch off the Rio Grande.  We walked, and sang; "Little Bird, my Lord, Little Bird", sang Gary, and we all joined in.  Diane and John (with Jamie Lynn on his shoulders) sang the Bob Marley tune, Three Little Birds. We all joined in on this one too.  And before anyone fell into the ditch, we headed back to Little Bird Farm!   

The little Launch party was the first of many, many fests we will enjoy at Little Bird Farm!  This is our promise to family and friends!  Little Bird Farm is just getting started!  Let's never stop celebrating the goodness of life.  The Commander and I can hardly wait!


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