Friday, December 25, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

May peace prevail.

We're coming on Christmas. It is a mere two weeks away. As I prepare for Christmas, I have been looking for peace. Peace without, and peace within. There is really no peace to be found in the world we live in. Peace may be found only in the heart of humanity. That is where I am looking for it, and that is where I am finding it. When I find peace, wherever I find it, I also find grace. We need more grace in this modern time. Peace and Grace.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Commander has a birthday......... we celebrate with a Birthday Brunch. Instead of chocolate cake, how about double chocolate muffins?! And some expert help blowing out the candles!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hallowe'en had a new twist this year!

Our sweet granddaughter had her very 1st Hallowe'en with us at Little Bird Farm! She is a sheer DELIGHT!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pumpkins are coming on in a big way!

Last week I was in northern California. It was the week the leaves turned in a big way, and the pumpkin vines bit the dust, just inviting me to snip their stems as soon as I returned to NM. I harvested the pumpkins today - and we now have many pumpkins gracing doorways and fence posts at Little Bird Farm. They are so pretty in their various shapes and colors! I will turn my attentions to raking leaves, tossing some of them on the compost heap, and the remaining leaves into a big pile. And I will double dig the garden to plant cover crops and a few fall veggies that will grow through the winter for us. This is an invigorating time of year!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Apple picking time.....

....and Zorro was here to help! Thanks, Zor! What would we do without you, buddy?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Balloon Fiesta 2009 begins!

Cup of coffee in hand, chatting with kind neighbors, and gazing in wonder in every direction! Bliss!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

So now it is October.....

...and time to enjoy the last "Hurrah!" of the growing season. It is truly glorious!

Persian Zinnias

Friday, September 18, 2009

Visiting North Carolina....

A week in North Carolina with the kids, dear old friends, and time at some favorite old spots leaves us happy and grateful for such Good Life! (I took this photo at Duke Garden.)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Appreciating Beauty

Some things, you don't even have to learn. They just come naturally!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Being a gramma is FUN!

Independence Day weekend at Abby's house in Ft. Worth was terrific! She is such fun!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

June is nearly over....

and the gardens are in full swing!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The garden beckons....constantly!

A new fence, the soil getting better and better, actual edibles to harvest, and WEEDS!

Monday, May 4, 2009

French Breakfast Radishes.....

... thinned today! These little guys were ready to be thinned out today, allowing bigger, lovelier radishes to continue to grow! And when I put them in my salad, just like this, they were delicious! Spicy! These are essentially, the first product of our 2009 garden. My hopes are high - like those of every gardener this early in the season. The French baby greens and bunching onions, the fingerling potatoes, and Miles' Easter egg radishes are also all well on their way. I selected 5 heirloom tomatoes at the Grower's Market Saturday, and they are hardening off, to be planted - oh, maybe this weekend. I keep reminding myself that it is still early!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sunshine, after the RAIN

In New Mexico, the rain is a blessed event! And a big rain - means the moisture may actually soak down beyond the surface. Such a big rain occurred last night, and this gardener is very happy about it! I have planting holes to dig today, for grapes (Malbec variety), wisteria (purple blooms ready to burst!), and an Akebia (chocolate vine). Last week, I planted a lovely white lilac specimen - Beauty of Moscow. I cut one bloom and brought it inside, to enjoy the incredible fragrance. There is nothing like the intoxicating fragrance of a lilac!

So, for today - blue skies and moist earth - I am off to do some gardening!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Planting Fingerling Potatoes

Back at Little Bird Farm, after the euphoric week of Abby. How amazing was that? VERY! She had her 2-week appointment with her pediatrician today; she has gained 5 ounces! I leaned this in the 10 minute, post-pedi appointment Skype convo I had with Abby and her Daddy. This is great news! That must be a 5 ounce double chin she is now sporting - CUTE!

On another note, I planted fingerling potatoes today. They are from John Scheepers, and look really healthy; lots of eyes! Also, I planted heirloom iris and daylillies from Old House Gardens. Old House Gardens must be the friendliest folks in the plant and garden market! They included a hand-written note and some gladiolas to give a friend! That is about the coolest thing I have ever received via mail order - a little something to give a friend. Very much in the spirit of the heirloom gardener! It made me smile, when I opened the package, that's for sure!

As is usual in New Mexico in the spring, the wind is blowing. I just wear a hat, and try to ignore it. The good thing about the wind is, it carries away the leaves when I rake them free of the hedges. I can't believe there are still leaves, in that we have raked, and raked and raked. But the hundred year old Rio Grande cottonwood trees adjacent to our acre have been dropping leaves that have gone un-raked for about a decade. Why is it that we always buy houses in which nobody has raked leaves recently? This is three for us! (And our last!)

I will begin constructing chicken wire row covers this weekend, and then plant spring seeds. I am so eager to learn how our soil is. In May, we will construct out garden fence, which will be more effective than the row covers. Chicken wire will have to do for now. Once again...dirt under my nails! And I'll just have to wait a little while to see little Abby in person again.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Abby's Guardian...Riley

I have no time to spend blogging right now; too busy logging time with little Abby! (You can see, she has a highly qualified canine guardian and "best friend.")

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

Not that we have been shopping or anything.......

......but maybe just a little! Shopping and knitting, and just havin' general fun in the little kiddo departments! These are the two "welcome" outfits we have been putting together the past months for the new little one, formerly known as "Wadsworth".  So, Abby! You can see that on some level, maybe we knew you were going to be a little granddaughter, given the full-speed ahead commitment on the pink side, and the more middle-of-the-road, "hmmm, but if she's a girl, she can still wear these!" flavor on the blue side! Not even a day old and I can't even picture you now as anyone but who you are! Already you have a big, giant place in my heart!  Big as all outdoors, where, incidentally, you and I will spend a great deal of time - and you will need the genuine overalls for this! 

You and The Commander and I will be havin' some BIG fun at Little Bird Farm!  That's for SURE!  And there are a coupla very special boy cousins who will show you just how to do all kinds of things! By the way, when you come, bring your mom & dad and your best friend Riley-pup too!  Soon!! 

Meanwhile though, see you soon at your house!  


Our sparkling new star!  Abby!   Abigail Jane, on her passport.  And in the words of Dr. Seuss, "Oh!  The Places (She'll) Go"!   Upon hearing the announcement that Miss Abby had arrived a week early, clearly disregarding her due date and the date of the arrival to Texas of these grandparents, a friend remarked that it is very important that children set their parents (and grandparents) straight early, regarding their own timetables.  I know my friend was joking, but clearly, I think we all know who will, now & forever, be in charge!  

A big Thank You to the sweet family and friends of Little Bird and The Commander - for your precious wishes and prayers and love - for our blessed addition.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Our Granddaughter

We haven't met her yet; we haven't even seen a picture of her.  She is only a couple of hours old. But we already love her so!  We are smitten! While talking with our son on the phone - the new daddy - I could hear tiny squeaks and coos.  I could feel my heart stretching! Today is a sweet day and we welcome our tiny new granddaughter into the world!  I will do everything I can to make her world a gracious and safe place to inhabit.

Welcome to the world tiny one!  Abigail Jane!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Visiting California's East Bay

I really think there is no place on the planet as lovely as northern California in March.  I know it has been very mild and lovely in New Mexico this week, while I have been away visiting the Commander here in the East Bay.  But honestly - the color and fragrance of the wild flowers on the Sonoma Coast, the blooming sub-tropicals of Oakland and San Francisco, the farmer's markets, these have taken my breath away!  Coupling these sights and aromas with the artisinal cheeses, the perfect lattes,  and the ACME bread - nirvana!!  Or maybe it is just that I get to do and see all these things with the Commander, that makes it all seem so incredible.  I don't know. 

Our perfect day yesterday (the day our baby turned 30, incidentally!), included an early evening stroll through one of my favorite places on earth - Green Gulch Farm - near Muir Beach.  The things we see there never fail to light my fire!  Organic gardening as it is meant to be done - meanwhile producing THE best vegetables and fruits with utmost respect for mother nature. This photo is one we took there - "May Peace Prevail".

Our First Lady began a garden today at the White House!!!  The first since Eleanor Roosevelt! THIS is GRAND news for America!!  It brings tears of JOY to my eyes!  More of this kinds of news - please!

And......may peace prevail.  

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Our 1st Fruit Tree Blooms!

Though it is too early for such things (global warming, or is this normal?), our first fruit tree has burst into bloom.  It is so very pretty!  And fragrant.  Our pruning was so extreme, I was concerned that the poor dear would simply give up. But this guy has produced an amazing display of flowers! Is it possible that NM will not have another frost?  Not likely. Who knows these days?  Having been away for the past 13 springs, I would be the last to know.  But like every gardener on earth....I am an optimist!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Welcoming me home!

After spending the week in California, I returned last night to Little Bird Farm.  And when I awoke this morning, after I assisted a small bird who was stuck in our wood stove to get back outside in the fresh air, I discovered this sweet welcoming committee!  Two blooming daffodils - our first flowering spring bulbs on LBF!  Of the 200 I planted last Fall, these two brave little fellows are now ready for Spring!  I am very enthused about these little guys!  The first of many!  It is fun to go to exciting and different places, but always - always! wonderful to come home!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day at Ferry Market

What choices!  What color!  What FUN!  To be at San Francisco's Ferry Building on Valentine's Day was bliss!  A celebration was underway, "Food From the Heart".  The food we saw and the food we ate definitely found its way to my heart! The Commander and I arrived back in the Bay area on Valentine's Eve just before midnight after driving 17 hours.  The Grapevine met our new Little Red Truck, with snow, sleet, high winds - and stalled traffic, adding 3 hours to our already long drive. But it was worth it!  To wake up in our "Luxury Urban Loft" (luxury??) at Jack London Square, BART to San Francisco's Embarcadero, and loll the day away at the unsurpassed Ferry Market is like a dream.  We bought the loveliest French Breakfast Radishes and Rainbow Chard, and a sweet bunch of colorful anemones!  We ate Clam Chowder and Crab Louis with Acme bread while gazing at the Bay - and into each other's eyes (corny, but true).  Then we had a chaser of Tempura Soba soup and Tonkatsu (Delica is probably my personal favorite of all the eateries).  A Chai Latte from Peet's, a take-home Pain Epi from ACME & Mt. Tam from Cowgirl Creamery rounded out our market visit.  Oh!  And a tiny carrot cake for two from Miette!  (This was prettily wrapped for us in a small pink box with simple white string.)

Everything is just so pretty!  I never cease to be amazed at how lovely and colorful and vast the offerings are here!  And at how many, many, many, many people there are!  But that's ok!  Why wouldn't everyone want to be here on a Saturday in February?  Especially with their Valentine! It is one of the greatest places on earth!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Baby Bird Shower

At last....Baby Bird's Shower!  We had a wonderful time.  And in about 8 weeks.....You know!  

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Getting ready for the Baby Shower!

Finally, February!  We spend the month of January getting organized.  And then, February comes along and we too can move along!  Putting plans into action - new projects!  I love projects!  And the project of the moment is a Baby Shower.  FUN!  Our grandbaby, "Baby Bird", will arrive in early April, so we will help his mommy and daddy get ready for that day with this celebration!   Little Bird Farm will never be the same - glitter, glitter everywhere!  Yes, that is our Christmas tree,  still in the living room.  It continues to be green and supple and fragrant!  I can't relegate it to the compost pile when it is still so spry!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What a Day!

To inaugurate: to mark the beginning.  
Today was truly a day that will go down in history as the day the largest number of Americans assembled..... and  smiled!  As I watched from our sitting room, I found that I was smiling too; in a spirit of hope, ready for change, and in celebration of freedom.  It didn't hurt that those little Obama daughters are cute as buttons!  Or that Aretha belted out "Our Country Tis of Thee" like no other.  Or that our new First Lady looked so classy and real.  Or even that a supreme court justice could stumble over seemingly simple verbiage.  Our nation's capital hosted the big event remarkably and looked better than ever.  She "did us proud".  It really was a tremendous day for the USA.   

Friday, January 16, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

One week old!

Our new little grand nephew, Gavin Bryce, turns one week old today!  It is a JOY to have a new little one in the family, an opinion shared by all except, perhaps, Gavin's two and a half year old brother, Miles Cooper.  I think Miles likes Gavin, generally; he remarks often that, "He is cute!" and he gently pats his little brother's tiny head.  Or he gives him a little kiss on his hand.  This is all extremely darling to see and hear.  But their mommy tells us that when she told Miles it was time to go yesterday and began to gather up the new baby's things and get the baby, Miles attempted to swiftly "help" her directly out the door - without the baby.  It is entirely understandable that a first born child, accustomed to all the attention and affection, would have a little trouble getting used to sharing mommy and daddy, and everyone, for that matter!  I have no doubt that these two special little fellows will be best buddies very soon.  Best buddies for life! Come spring, there will be another new little one added to the mix!  Our grandbaby - "Baby Bird" will enter the scene and we are sure excited about this big event!  I wonder how little Miles will feel about this!  

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Another amazing Full Moon!

The spring garden begins......NOW!

It is time!  Time to stop simply perusing the gardening and seed catalogs, and place an order. That means hard decisions.  How many varieties of sunflowers can we really grow?  I want them all!  Should we grow bush beans, or really commit, and grow pole beans?  Which pumpkins would be more fun?  Will the Japanese cucumbers grow in our soil?  So many decisions.  This year, our first year of gardening at Little Bird Farm, we will go mostly with what we know will grow.  Or at least, what we think we know will grow!  It is hard to keep that in mind as I place items in my virtual basket.  I expect that we will try a couple long-shots - but in my mind's eye, I see rows and rows of zinnias, sunflowers, tomatoes, and cucumbers, and French breakfast radishes!    

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