Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween Wishes, Everybody!

We have had the most glorious Fall! It has lasted longer than I can ever recall, and the colors, the light, the birds, have been absolutely splendid! We were graced with a visit from our kids and grands in early October, and I can't even say how terrific that was - but it was super dooper terrific. Even some old friends came from far away to spend some time with us. Life IS GOOD! Now, I need to go plant 200 daffodils that came in the mail Friday, just as we were heading up to Santa Fe for a weekend of rest and relaxation...and to see Joan Baez in concert at The Lensic. It is a fabulous old theater in downtown Santa Fe. The concert was....wonderful. Joan is a marvel! An important note about the picture above - the one with the garland of tiny Jack o'Lanterns". Our three amazing, adorable grands made that when they were all here! Isn't it so cute? We just love it and wish it would last forever! It won't. But the memory will! Love you grands!!! Your folks too! Have a safe and Happy Halloween!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Is it really almost...September!!!!????

I am floored. I have no idea where the Summer of 2016 has gone. It has been so hot, so humid (in the desert Southwest!), and there have been so many bugs! Mosquitos like never before! And grasshoppers that have eaten vegetable garden plants and dahlias, zinnias and even young trees down to a few lonely leaves on the spindly branch! It has a word...BRUTAL! At last, as we near August's Summer Finale, the nights and early mornings are cool, as they should have been all Summer long. And we begin to harvest a few vegetables, from our third planting attempts, after bunny rabbits and bugs and snails have eaten each new seedling or start. At long last we are harvesting a handful of tomatoes, eggplants, chiles, and tomatillos. Finally I can cut and arrange a bouquet of big, splashy Zinnias! (I planted them three (3!!!!) times!). We did not get our July monsoons, and, in fact, we have only had 2 or 3 nice, big rains in August. It has been.....WEIRD!! Also, I have not had the freedom to "get away" and spend time with our boys, their ladies, and our precious littles, since springtime. I have been the "fort holder-downer" this Summer. Soon, that will change, because Captain Tim is retiring from his 27 year military/uniformed service career THIS FALL! (What adventures we have had together!!!) He will return as "lord and master of Little Bird Farm! Our lives will become much more civilized, once again! Fred and I are verrrrry excited! We will have a BIG celebration come early October! In the meantime, I will pick the occasional novel eggplant, a few tomatoes, a handful of NM green chiles, and a bouquet of colorful Zinnias....and count our blessings. There are so, so, so many BLESSINGS! (These are Captain's Tim's ribbons, by the way,....from 27 years of 24/7/365 service to Uncle Sam! I'm so proud of him and all he has accomplished; and eager for the next phase of our life together! More terrific adventures!)

Saturday, March 26, 2016

A Blast from the Past! Happy Easter!

These pix are from two of our Easters in the mid 80's - some thirty years ago!!! LOVED Easter then, and LOVE it still! We always had so much FUN dyeing our eggs, then watching the kids hunt for them, along with their baskets! (Clues, all over the house!) Time with our family - 4 NM cousins having such a blast together. And now history repeats, as our precious grands are all wound up about the joys of Easter time! And their parents are experiencing the sheer joy of preparing Easter surprises for their own kids! Sending my love to each of you grands and to your amazing parents (these kids in the pix and their mates!!) at this beautiful Easter Time! Here's to Love and Joy and the newness of life!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

What they say is true....

....that "the momentous intrudes upon the ordinary". And after 24 days, seeing Mom struggle with a broken hip, working hard at the Rehab Facility doing physical therapy to regain her strength, balance, and walking ability (with her walker), she is now safely back in the comfort of her home, with Papa. Yesterday at noon she made her way in the back door, all the way to her reclining chair, where she was happy to enjoy a slice of Dion's pizza (a far cry from Rehab food!!), visit a few minutes, and then close her eyes awhile. We are all breathing sighs of relief; may the new normal be as beautiful or even more beautiful than the old one! Meditating today on this old favorite, from "The Dragon's Gate Garden", above Muir Beach, CA.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

A fresh, New Year, and my wish for you!

"God bless this house and all that's in it; a garden of flowers, some books for the hours, good health and love, glorious LOVE!" This, I wish for our house and for yours! Happy New Year!

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