Monday, March 18, 2013

My baby turns 34 today!

Yup, it's true! My baby turns 34 years old today; born on a Sunday afternoon, a sweet, huggable, handsome, precious blond baby!! He is being regaled by his own precious little ones and his beloved wife today....and I won't be there to give him a celeb-Mama Hug until Wednesday. And then...while I am there, HIS baby will turn 4!! Isn't life FINE!!?!! Yes, it truly is. Happy Birthday dear, Natey-Mo!! See you all soon!!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Honoring our girls! Girl's Day!

Once again, it is Hina Matsuri, the Japanese holiday, when we honor our girls! How grateful we feel, to have two absolutely precious, beautiful, brilliant grand daughters! (We adore our splendid grandson like crazy too, but it is not Boy's Day...yet.) Here's to Abigail Jane and Piper Gaye!!

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