Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pumpkins are coming on in a big way!

Last week I was in northern California. It was the week the leaves turned in a big way, and the pumpkin vines bit the dust, just inviting me to snip their stems as soon as I returned to NM. I harvested the pumpkins today - and we now have many pumpkins gracing doorways and fence posts at Little Bird Farm. They are so pretty in their various shapes and colors! I will turn my attentions to raking leaves, tossing some of them on the compost heap, and the remaining leaves into a big pile. And I will double dig the garden to plant cover crops and a few fall veggies that will grow through the winter for us. This is an invigorating time of year!


burkbum said...

I am soooo jealous of the pums! I wanted a flood of pums and it just didn't happen.

Sara said...

We are excited to see the pumpkins in person, less than two weeks from now! Yay for Fall in NM!

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