Monday, December 19, 2011

A few pictures from the past 2 weeks. It's been pretty "happenin"!

One of our two roofers, trying to give me a heart attack! It's so slick up there!

Pedro, Sr, making the cuts for the cedar siding. Pedro, Jr and Johnny measured and nailed. They had the siding and trim up in 2 1/2 (cold!) days.

We tried to keep up with them, painting the trim that would be placed way up high, before they needed it. But it was only in the low 30s, so the paint was not very happy. Now the house looks like it has a disease of some kind - some is light, some is dark, some is not painted at all!

The new countertops are in! They are water-washed granite.

Our electrician extraordinaire had a visitor waiting for him when he came down from the attic! I think it is because he has been very good!

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