Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Seeing the world through glass spheres

For Christmas, my husband gave me such a beautiful gift. I have a small collection of hand-blown glass spheres, made by North Carolina artists. Commander got in touch with our dear friend, Debbi, who lives in NC, and had her do some Christmas shopping for him! She selected an exquisite piece that perfectly compliments the three we already had! No big surprise, as Debbi is my partner in crime when it comes to shopping for cool stuff when we go to NC! She knows all the good places! We recently hung the spheres in our new kitchen window. The sun comes in these windows so splendidly - morning and evening! Here is how they look in the morning!
(I could look out this window all day long! Never know what may saunter past.)

These are made at the Cedar Creek Gallery; Lisa Oakley is the head glass blower there. It is a wonderful gallery, near Creedmore, NC, about 30 minutes from Durham. Thanks, Debbi! Thanks, Commander!

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